Talk:Exe0.2 Michelle Westerlaken

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hi Michelle,

Thanks for your article and your work! I see the point why Eric asks me to comment on yours; perhaps we are both interested in the nonhuman aspects of “loading” or “processing” or “buffering” :)

Sadly I am not a window user, but I am very interested to see your work in Malmo.

The project “Loading” expresses an “alternative present” that is at some point hidden from us, as there are constant manipulations and processing that are executed behind “visual presentation”. As you also reference from Bogost about the concept of things including human and nonhuman, I wonder why it is a loading bar and why it is position as a game? What might be the essence of loading in relation to potential future? As you explain a little bit about loading as a metaphor, I would like to know more the articulation of loading (i do see some interesting cross over between my piece and yours)

It seems that you want to relate ‘loading’ with AI, they are similar because “both challenge and evoke human-centered thinking”, it would be great to hear more about your articulation of the distinctiveness of a loading bar versus some kinds of digital objects that your team has considered.

I am wondering if you have thought of implementing AI techniques in your game? What are the different possible lines of thinking between loading and AI then?
