Talk:Exe0.2 Winnie Soon

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Thank you for articulating this topic and connecting it with a practice based approach in an interesting and relevant manner. Also thank you for your feedback on my project, you raise some very nice topics that I will try to address in the future.

When reading your outline, I came across different articulations of how this project invites us to engage with a throbber in a different way, some emotions we connect to it, and the throbber as a cultural object. I would therefore be very interested in learning some more about how this project has shaped conversations or reflections on this topic and how you reflect on that in return. It seems like the discussion you’re proposing is very much embedded in the perspectives of people interacting with throbbers, but your text does not (yet?) evaluate on those moments in which people have interacted with your prototype. I would be interested in learning more about the reactions of people and if these people have understood the meaning and significance of the discussion that you would like to raise.

Another thing I was wondering about, and that I then started to think about in relation to my own project as well, is your use of 8-bit video game music. Somehow we have both ended up using this kind of audio in our project and I am wondering why this was important and what kind of dimension this creates in the experience of our prototypes. I’ll just leave that here as an open question :)


questions from masterclass:

  • how you experience the process of data moving? how that is made experienceable. "throbbing" (a sense of durational pain), "buffering", "spinning"
  • ideas around how flawless service provision, more bandwidth, etc. is equated with more freedom. how political processes are often hidden in "continuous" processes.
  • throbber's relation to geography
  • why chose youtube servers for ip addresses?
  • interesting choice of recommending an adblocker for running throbber piece. the advertisement as a throbber of its own in culture.
  • doing any research on the experience of time, such as being done in neuroscience?